Dark Minds book cover

The Retreat (Dark Minds)

The Retreat is a short story by Jane E. James which is included in the ‘Dark Minds’ anthology, all profits of which are donated to Hospice UK and Sophie’s Appeal.


Something was not right. I could feel it in my bones and in the icy air that spiralled out of my mouth. But I knew they couldn’t have just vanished. So, where were they?

At this point it crossed my mind that their disappearance might be part of an elaborate trick meant to frighten me. If so, it was already working. On that daunting thought, I decided to go back to bed. I’d rather hide under the covers than give them the satisfaction of scaring me to half to death.

Creeping along on tippy-toes, I headed once more for the stairs, blindly clawing at the hateful cobwebs that clung to my face. They seemed to come from nowhere. That’s when I noticed the cellar door was open and knew straight away that something was amiss. Having followed the other three into it earlier, I knew it was cold, damp and spooky down there. I hadn’t been in it three minutes before imagining walkers lost on the dales might have been taken there and tortured; never to be heard of again.

Peering warily down the concrete steps, ignoring the ominous creaking of the door on its rusty hinges, I heard a shuffling sound and quickly flicked on the light switch. To my relief, a trickle of gloomy light appeared and at first glance everything was as it should be. No ghouls or demons lurked below. Not even a mouse was visible. But I could not see all of the cellar from here and, wanting to be 100 per cent sure there was nothing down there, I toyed with the idea of going further down the cellar steps; knowing I never would.

Then, I heard it again… that swishy, sloppy sound, like a lazy foot being dragged along the floor. My whole face stretched in fear when I realised I was already staring at what had made that noise.


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